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Oracle Interview Questions
 Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables. 
 Getz                          10                      3000
  Davis                       20                     1500
   King                        20                    2200
    Davis                     30                     5000
    Kochhar                                          5000 
   10                                  Sales
   20                                  Marketing
     30                                Accounts
     40                                Administration 
You want to retrieve all employees, whether or not they have matching departments in the departments table. Which query would you use? 
A. SELECT last_name, department_name FROM employees , departments(+);
B. SELECT last_name, department_name FROM employees JOIN departments (+);
C. SELECT last_name, department_name FROM employees(+) e JOIN departments d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id);
 D. SELECT last_name, department_name FROM employees e RIGHT OUTER JOIN departments d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id);
E. SELECT last_name, department_name FROM employees(+) , departments ON (e.department_id = d.department_id);
F. SELECT last_name, department_name FROM employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN departments d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id);  
Answer: F Explanation: Answer F is correct. This query shows correct syntax to retrieve all employees, whether or not they have matching departments in the department table. Oracle9i extends its compliance with ANSI/ISO by supporting that standard’s requirements for outer join syntax and semantics.   
Incorrect Answers
 - 4 -    
A: This query uses “+” to create outer join as it was in Oracle8i, but it requires also usage of WHERE clause in SELECT statement. 
B: The JOIN clause cannot be used with in conjunction with “+”: syntax is incorrect.
 C: The JOIN clause cannot be used with in conjunction with “+”: syntax is incorrect.
D: This statement requires LEFT OUTER JOIN, not RIGHT OUTER JOIN.
E: This query uses incorrect syntax with “+” and ON to create outer join.  

QUESTION NO: 2 Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: 
EMPLOYEE_ID       NUMBER      Primary Key
        LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) 
Which three statements inserts a row into the table? (Choose three) 
A. INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( NULL, ‘John’,‘Smith’);
 B. INSERT INTO employees( first_name, last_name) VALUES(‘John’,‘Smith’);
C. INSERT INTO employees VALUES (‘1000’,‘John’,NULL);
D. INSERT INTO employees(first_name,last_name, employee_id) VALUES ( 1000, ‘John’,‘Smith’);
E. INSERT INTO employees (employee_id) VALUES (1000); F. INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES ( 1000, ‘John’,‘’);  
Answer: C, E, F Explanation:  Since EMPLOYEE_ID column is used as primary key, it cannot be NULL, so only INSERT statements in C, E and F are correct. You can insert the row with NULL LAST_NAME as in answer C, or only the row with EMPLOYEE_ID as in answer E, or the row with empty LAST_NAME column. 
Incorrect Answers
A: This answer is incorrect because a primary key cannot be NULL.
B: INSERT statement does not contain primary key value at all, so this answer needs to be eliminated as correct one.
D:  This statement shows incorrect order of columns of row which needs to be inserted into the table.

 You need to give the MANAGER role the ability to
select from, insert into, and modify existing rows in the STUDENT_GRADES table.
 Anyone given this MANAGER role should be able to pass those privileges on to others.
 Which statement accomplishes this? 
A. GRANT select, insert, update ON student_grades TO manager;
 B. GRANT select, insert, update ON student_grades TO ROLE manager;
C. GRANT select, insert, modify ON student_grades TO manager WITH GRANT OPTION;
 D. GRANT select, insert, update ON student_grades TO manager WITH GRANT OPTION;
E. GRANT select, insert, update ON student_grades TO ROLE manager WITH GRANT OPTION; F. F.GRANT select, insert, modify ON student_grades TO ROLE manager WITH GRANT OPTION;  
Answer: D Explanation: 
This answer provides correct syntax of GRANT command to give the MANAGER role all asked privileges. Clause WITH GRANT OPTION will allow this role to pass those privileges on to others. 
Incorrect Answers A: This statement would be correct if it included WITH GRANT OPTION clause to allow this role to pass those privileges on to others.
B: This statement uses incorrect clause TO ROLE. C: There is no option with name MODIFY in
F: There is no option with name MODIFY in the GRANT command. And this statement also uses incorrect clause TO ROLE. 
QUESTION NO: 4 Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES table: 
 Getz                          10               3000
  Davis                       20                1500
   King                       20                 2200
    Davis                     30                 5000
    Kochhar                                        5000 

Which three subqueries work? (Choose three) 
A. SELECT * FROM employees where salary > (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY;
B. SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary =  (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);
C. SELECT distinct department_id FROM employees Where salary >  ANY (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);
 D. SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE SALARY >  ALL (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);

E. SELECT last_name FROM employees Where salary > ANY (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id);
F. SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary >  ALL (SELECT AVG(salary)  FROM employees GROUP BY AVG(SALARY));  
Answer: C, D, E Explanation:  These answers show correct syntax, because they use ANY and ALL keywords for convert multi-row output of sub-query to one-row result.  
Incorrect Answers A: This SELECT statement is incorrect because of multi-row return of sub-query: it will return minimal salary for EACH department.
B: This SELECT statement is incorrect because of multi-row return of sub-query: it will return average salary for EACH department.
F: This SELECT statement is incorrect because GROUP BY clause cannot contain functions, like AVG(), MIN(), MAX() and so on. 

The database administrator of your company created a public synonym called HR for the HUMAN_RESOURCES table of the GENERAL schema, because many users frequently use this table. As a user of the database, you created a table called HR in your schema. What happens when you execute this query? 
A. You obtain the results retrieved from the public synonym HR created by the database administrator.
B. You obtain the results retrieved from the HR table that belongs to your schema.
C. You get an error message because you cannot retrieve from a table that has the same name as a public synonym.
D. You obtain the results retrieved from both the public synonym HR and the HR table that belongs to your schema, as a Cartesian product.
E. You obtain the results retrieved from both the public synonym HR and the HR table that belongs to your schema, as a FULL JOIN.  
Answer: B Explanation:  By executing this query you will extract data from the HR table in your own schema, it will not work with HR synonym for the HUMAN_RESOURCES table of the GENERAL schema. 
Incorrect Answers
A: The results will be retrieved from the table in your own schema, not from the GENERAL schema, using synonym HR.
 C: There is no error: data from the table in your own schema will be retrieved by this query. D: This query will not generate Cartesian product from both tables.
 E: This query will not retrieve data from both tables as a FULL JOIN. 
QUESTION NO: 6 Which two statements about views are true? (Choose two.) 
A. A view can be created as read only.
 B. A view can be created as a join on two or more tables.
C. A view cannot have an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement.
D. A view cannot be created with a GROUP BY clause in the SELECT statement.
E. A view must have aliases defined for the column names in the SELECT statement.  
Answer: A, B Explanation:  A view can be created as read only object. However, it is possible to change data in the underlying table(s) with some restrictions.A view also can be created as a join on two or more tables. This type of view is called complex view. Complex views provide complicated data models where many base tables are drawn together into one virtual table. 
Incorrect Answers C: Query operations containing ORDER BY clause are also permitted, so long as the ORDER BY clause appearsoutside the parentheses. The following is an example of what I mean: CREATE VIEW my_view AS (SELECT*FROM emp) ORDER BYempno.
 D: A view can be created with a GROUP BY clause in the SELECT statement. E: It is not required to have aliases defined for the column names in the SELECT statement.  

QUESTION NO: 7 Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table: 
Which statement shows the maximum salary paid in each job category of each department? 
A. SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE salary > MAX(salary);
B. SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id, job_cat;
C. SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees;
D. SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id;
 E. SELECT dept_id, job_cat, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY dept_id, job_cat, salary;  
Answer: B Explanation:  This answer provides correct syntax and semantics to show the maximum salary paid in each job category of each department. 
Incorrect Answers
A: This query will not return any row because condition SALARY > MAX(SALARY) is FALSE.
C: This query will return error because you cannot show maximum salary with DEPT_ID and JOB_CAT without grouping by these columns.
D: The GROUP BY clause is missing JOB_ID column. E: You don’t need to group results of query by SALARY in the GROUP BY column. 

QUESTION NO: 8 Management has asked you to calculate the value 12*salary* commission_pct for all the employees in the EMP table. The EMP table contains these columns: 
Which statement ensures that a value is displayed in the calculated columns for all employees? 
A. SELECT last_name, 12*salary* commission_pct FROM emp;
B. SELECT last_name, 12*salary* (commission_pct,0) FROM emp;
C. SELECT last_name, 12*salary*(nvl(commission_pct,0)) FROM emp;
D. SELECT last_name, 12*salary*(decode(commission_pct,0)) FROM emp;  
Answer: C Explanation:  This SELECT statement provides correct usage of NVL function to calculate columns for all employees.  Oracle give you possibility to substitute a value in place of NULL. The basic syntax for NVL() is NVL(column_name, value_if_null). Notice that the column specified in NVL() contains an actual value. That value is what Oracle returns; when the column is NULL, the special string is returned. The value specified to be returned if the column value is NULL must be the same datatype as the column specified. 
Incorrect Answers
A: This SELECT statement will return NULL value for rows with NULL COMMISION_PCT column. B: It is incorrect syntax in this query: NVL function needs to be used for correct result.
D: The DECODE function is used as substitution of IF-THEN-ELSE PL/SQL construction in SQL queries. The SELECT statement provides incorrect syntax of it cannot have only two parameters.  

QUESTION NO: 9 Which syntax turns an existing constraint on? 
A. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE constraint_name;
B. ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS = ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;
C. ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;
D. ALTER TABLE table_name STATUS ENABLE CONSTRAINT constraint_name;
E. ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint_name;
F. ALTER TABLE table_name TURN ON CONSTRAINT constraint_name;  
Answer: C Explanation:  ALTER TABLE statement with ENABLE CONSTRAINT keywords is correct answer to enable an existing constraint. 
Incorrect Answers A: This statement is missing CONSTRAINT keyword.
 B: “STATUS =” is incorrect syntax to enable constraint for the table.
 D:  There is no STATUS keyword in the command to enable constraint. 
E: There is no TURN ON keywords in the command to enable constraint.
 F: There is no TURN ON keywords in the command to enable constraint. 

QUESTION NO: 10 Examine the description of the STUDENTS table: 
Which two aggregate functions are valid on the START_DATE column? (Choose two) 
A. SUM(start_date)
B. AVG(start_date)
C. COUNT(start_date)
D. AVG(start_date, end_date)
 E. MIN(start_date)
 F. MAXIMUM(start_date)  
Answer: C, E Explanation:  It is possible to apply COUNT() and MIN() functions on the column with DATE data type. 
Incorrect Answers A: Function SUM() cannot be used with DATE data type column.
B: Function AVG() cannot be used with DATE data type column.
D: Function AVG() cannot be used with DATE data type column. And function AVG() just has one parameter X, not two. It averages all X column values returned by the SELECT statement. F: There is no MAXIMUM() function in Oracle, only MAX() function exists. 
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